A New Church for Ball Ground
Our mission is to bring glory to God by developing devoted disciples who delight in, display, and declare the beauty of Jesus.
Join us for worship
Sundays at 9:30 am
395 Groover St | Ball Ground, GA | 30107
We are a group of followers of Jesus who love and worship Him and we want others to know, love, and worship Him too. We want to spend time each week delighting in and finding deep satisfaction and joy in Jesus. As our love for Him grows, we seek to display His grace and truth to everyone around us by loving others the way we have been loved by Jesus. We want to declare Him as our God and Savior and share the wonder of His eternal salvation to everyone around.

In a world of sin, chaos, evil, and death humanity is longing for good news and hope that can bring real and lasting joy. We believe that there is a promise of hope that meets the deepest need of all humanity. It is found in the gospel of Jesus Christ!
395 Groover St
Ball Ground, GA 30107