BGCC began in the hearts of the leadership and people of Lebanon Baptist Church in Roswell, GA. Through an initiative to establish churches in metro Atlanta , several members who lived in or recently moved to the Ball Ground area began praying and talking with one another about seeing a new church established in Ball Ground.

Those prayers and discussions paved the way for a small group to begin meeting. In December 2023, Tim Pulver was ordained by Lebanon Baptist Church as a church planter for the Ball Ground area. The group officially chose the name Ball Ground Community Church in January 2024 with a desire and commitment to reach the Ball Ground and the surrounding community with the good news of Jesus.


We believe that when a person begins and develops a relationship with Jesus Christ that they will see, value, and be in awe of  His beautiful character.

The delight in Him that flows from knowing Him, will result in the desire to display His beauty to others.

This reflection of Jesus will result in actions displaying His character and words that declare the good news of who He is and what He has done for us!

We exist to bring glory to God by developing devoted disciples who delight in, display, and declare the beauty of Jesus.

  • We believe the Bible, the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments, as originally written is verbally inspired by God, inerrant and infallible, and our final authority in all matters of faith and practice.

  • We believe in the One true God existing in 3 persons, coequal and eternal: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

  • We believe man was created in the image of God, male and female, and in innocence. By willful disobedience, humanity fell and is guilty before God. All mankind is totally depraved, dead in sin, void of righteousness required by the Law of God, inclined toward evil, under just condemnation, and in need of redemption through Jesus.

  • We believe He is absolute Deity, fully human, co-equal and eternal with the Father and the Spirit. He was miraculously conceived of the Spirit, born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, died an atoning death, was bodily raised to life, ascended into heaven, and will return as Judge and Ruler of the world.

  • We believe in the electing grace of God that freely offers salvation to all by the gospel. The pardon of sin and guilt and the promise of eternal life come by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone.

  • We believe He is a Divine Person co-equal and eternal with the Father and the Son. He convicts of sin, righteousness, and judgment and bears witness of the truth. He grants repentance and faith and is the agent of the new birth, seals, baptizes, indwells, guides, and enables believers.

  • We believe the Body of Christ, in its universal aspect is comprised of the whole of those who have been born of the Spirit. The local church is an identifiable and organized self-governing body under the Headship of Jesus; has two offices of pastor and deacon; observes two ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Supper; and is established for worship, edification, and witness.

  • We believe in the imminent return of Jesus, the eternal salvation of all who believe in Him, and the eternal judgment of all who reject Him.

We desire to be rooted and established in the faith, not as some academic exercise, but as a means of being anchored to an unchanging foundation as we delight in, display, and declare Jesus in an ever-changing world.

This is a brief summary of our church’s core beliefs and key summaries for us at Ball Ground Community Church:




Disciples devote themselves to the Word of God. (Acts 2:42, Matthew 28:16-20)

Disciples share the good news about Jesus boldly because in it lies the power of God to save (Acts 2:22-40, Romans 1:16)



Disciples covenant together to watch out for and sacrificially care for each other  (Acts 2:44-46)


Disciples’ private adoration and worship of Jesus will spill over into publicly worshiping and praising Him together.


Tim Pulver

Joe Underwood