The God who created all things is a good God and he created everything good. He was a loving ruler but the first man and woman, Adam and Eve, chose to try to live their own way.


By rebelling against God, they cut themselves off from God who is the very source of life and the penalty for that rebellion was death.


But God loved the people he made in spite of their rebellion and came into this world himself as a man (Jesus) to take their penalty on himself. He died, we killed him, rejecting him yet again. But he rose from the dead and now offers everlasting life to those who will turn away from their own ways and turn away from their rejection of him and will trust him to save them from their rebellion, their sin, and the penalty of it.


Men cannot get to God on their own.  They cannot work their way to God, but have to come through trusting Jesus Christ alone who did the work, obeying God perfectly, and now offers salvation to those who will turn to him. 


If you are interested in learning more about this and would like to discuss this with someone, please reach out to us!